Kinga Szumska

Apr 3, 20181 min

Connecting the dots.

I love watching ted talks and am always on the road of finding new inspirations to the day-to-day life. Whilst there is sooo many great talks out there, today I am quotting Steve Jobs from his one of the many famous speeches “Stanford Commencement Speech”, 2005.


I am sure that everyone will find the examples in their lives when they connected the dots looking backwards. So it does not matter what are the circumstances, just remember that Now it’s just the stop

on the journey and not your final destination. It will all connect one day when you look back from different perspective. Just keep going.

„You can’t connect the dots looking forward. You only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will connect somehow in the future. You have to trust in something.. your gut, destiny, karma... whatever... because believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart even if it leads you off the well known path and THAT will make all the difference” Steve Jobs.



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